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De Inschrijving voor de 51ste en 52ste Dogshow Maastricht is vanaf heden weer geopend. Klik boven in menu op inschrijven.

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Op woensdag 31 januari 2024 ontving mevrouw Ricky Lochs Romans uit Sittard Geleen, uit handen van burgemeester Hans Verheijen van die gemeente…

HTM mail:

51th and 52th International Dog show Maastricht
September 28th and 29th, 2024


Stichting Honden Tentoonstelling Maastricht invites you to one of the largest and most pleasant International Dog Exhibitions in the Netherlands.

With the option to register your dog (s) on two days. Discount when you enter your dog for two days.

Our dogshow take place in the large halls of the MECC in Maastricht situated near motorways coming from Belgium, France and Germany . In our accommodation are the halls / rings carpeted.


Maastricht invites you to one of the largest and most pleasant International Dog Exhibitions in the Netherlands. With the option to register your dog (s) on two days. Discount when you enter your dog for two days. This in large halls situatued near motorways coming from Belgium, France and Germany . With carpet in all large rings.
Go tot for more information about the big halls and location.
30 Judges from 13 countries are invited to judge your dog(s). We have a separate place for campers right next to the hall. Exhibitors looking for a place to sleep can visit the beautiful Hilly region in Valkenburg or in the city of Maastricht.

•    Full digital ring administration and free online catalog;
•    Judging according time schedule;
•    All breeds will be judged according to the current FCI breed standards. You can find them on;
•    Dogs with cropped ears and/or docked tails are not allowed. Only dogs docked tail for medical reason dog's can enter. A medical certificate must be uploaded in the dog's profile. The dog's pasport with the attest needs to be shown in the ring. If not the dog will be disqualiffied. 

Our theme for this year

"No matter what happens, dog people stay together". 

Judging will be according to the FCI breed standards and the  national recognized standards of the Dutch Kennel Club

The board of the International Dogshow Maastricht
John Wauben, President